Township Manager's Office

Brandy C. Boyington


The Manager shall be the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer of the municipality. The Manager shall see that all ordinances, resolutions and policies of the Council, and all state laws subject to enforcement by municipal action, are faithfully enforced and executed. The Manager shall:

Represent the municipality and assert its proper interests in relation to the state and other political subdivisions, and with respect to municipal contracts and franchises.
Attend all meetings of the Council with the right to take part in the discussions, but without the right to vote.
Keep the Council advised of the financial condition of the municipality, make reports to the Council as requested by it, and at least once a year make an annual report on the administration of the municipal government for the benefit of the Council and the public.
Study the governmental and administrative operations and needs of the municipal government, and prepare and recommend to the Council necessary and desirable plans and programs to meet present and foreseeable needs.
Investigate at any time the affairs of any officer or department of the municipality.
Perform such other duties as may be required of the Township Manager by ordinance or resolution of the Municipal Council.

Phone: 609-723-2464  ext 22

Address: 2159 Jacksonville Jobstown Road Jobstown, NJ 08041-0119


Office Hours: Monday - Thursday


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